Ha lol XD, great job on that review :D. I told you you're good at naming songs :P. So good that the people stealing them can't resist keeping the name as it is XD.
I'm sure you had fun writing that email :D. I like writing emails to people who use my songs without permission/steal them (luckily that only happened once...) like this:
So, first I start very formally with a Dear Sir/Madam and use as many four and five syllable words as possible, and then at the end, when I come to write Yours Truly, I do this:
Yours Truly... Wait, sorry, it wasn't yours X(.
then I do a P.S. and offend his mum XD.
You really shouldnt have to have people steal from you to consider yourself popular (lol). Still I suppose it is good people want to take credit for something you made.
It's a joke, dude :P