I'm sorry, but no. This song has a few isolated good parts, but its ridiculously repetitive and the percussion is horrific. Without a steady rhythm to normalize against, the beat becomes blurred. That said, 1:19 is REALLY cool, but it only lasts for like, 2 measures! The rest of the song is just blurred beyond recognition and has far too much crap going on.
There is no outro and the intro is extremely lacking. The song jumps into the main melody and then stays there the entire song. This never works. The mastering is impressive given simply the fact that you can hear the bass over all the other crap you've managed to fill the song with, but other then that the frequencies levels are completely unbalanced and skewed to the upper and lower ends. The song _feels_ heavily compressed, which is never good.
All you did the entire song was take the melody and go through a bunch of synths. While its a fun exercise, this is anything but ear candy and almost sounds worse then some of your earlier songs simply because its so freaking repetitive. One can argue that stylistically but when your main melody has barely any variation in it in the first place, repeating it over and over for 2 minutes straight is not enjoyable in the least. You've got to have an obvious countermelody or SOMETHING.